On-Page SEO Checklist

1Aligns with the three Cs of search intent
2Includes what searchers want to know
3Offers something unique (compared to other top-ranking pages)
4Demonstrates expertise or first-hand experience (depending on the topic)
Meta tags
1Title is compelling and includes the target keyword
2Uses H1 tag for page title
3Uses H2-H6 tags for subheadings
4Has a compelling description that matches search intent
1Has relevant internal links
2Has external links to sources
3Has external links to pages that help content serve its purpose
1File names are descriptive
2Alt texts applied and descriptive
3Files are compressed in size
1Optimized for featured snippets
2Has relevant schema markup
3Page is optimized for Core Web Vitals
4Page uses HTTPS
5Page is mobile-friendly
6No intrusive interstitials and dialogs (except those required by law)